Articles - Security Science Journal
The Destructive Influence Of Global Narcoterrorism On The National Security Of The Republic Of Serbia
(Vol. 3 No. 2, 2022. Security Science Journal)
04 Jan 2023 06:08:00 AM
Prof.dr Miroslav Bjegović
University MB, Belgrade

Research Paper
Received: November 10, 2022
Accepted: December 16, 2022

Abstract: The connection between terrorist organizations and the drug mafia on a global level has a destructive effect on the national security of every democratic state, and therefore on the national security of the Republic of Serbia. The work is proof of the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship between drug addiction and narco-terrorism, where the illegal production and abuse of psychoactive drugs in themselves represent narco-terrorism and a crime against humanity, while the realized drug capital finances terrorism throughout the world. The fight against the bearers of terrorist and narco-terrorist organizations should be a permanent and priority task of every state, and thus also of the Republic of Serbia. The countries of the modern world have recognized this harmful influence, about the existence of these mutual ties that directly affect the national security of the country and the normal functioning of society, and also the security at the global level.

: drug mafia, narco-terrorism, terrorist organizations, organized crime, national security.

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The expressed determination of the United Nations organization in the second half of the twentieth century promised that in a relatively short period of time, the growing global problem of terrorism, including narco-terrorism, would be more than effectively stopped. World experts very studiously studied and considered the dangers of the intertwined actions of terrorist organizations and the drug mafia, and the general agreement and support for the proposed preventive measures and normative-legal regulation of this area reached the global level. According to the more than complex program and plan to combat the problem of drug addiction and narco-terrorism, national strategies were also determined, but it did not take long to realize the impotence in the face of an obviously more determined, better organized, often richer enemy. Prevention has failed, in many countries it has even been abandoned, while on the other hand, accepted normative and repressive measures gave a weak result. From the huge "global cake" of illegally produced narcotics, statistics (albeit sketchy) indicate that barely 10-15 percent have been seized so far, and an extremely small number of perpetrators of criminal acts have been brought to justice. The facts are indisputable that the deepening social and economic crises, war conflicts, economic sanctions aimed at a number of countries, often imposed by the strongest powers, the increase in general and organized crime and terrorism, but also political upheavals, i.e. the destruction of the legal system of values, whereby the new one has not yet been created as it was imagined (globalization; problems in the European Union that the Republic of Serbia is striving for are increasingly evident, problems in the Arab states...), caused increasingly explosive drug addiction, the emergence of a greater number of drug mafias and narco-terrorism on a planetary level, and especially in our environment - in most countries in transition. Drug smuggling, ie. mass abuse of psycho-active substances and natural drugs greatly endangers the defense and security systems of states, deepens socioeconomic crises, which results in even more successful activities of the drug mafia, a greater number of narco-terrorist actions, and in cooperation with other forms of organized crime. Associated drug mafias and terrorist organizations , which, among other things, are financed from the sources of the drug mafia and drug trafficking, not only leave serious consequences for young people, peoples and countries, but are, on a global level, the biggest threat to democracy and the survival of humanity.

The financing of terrorism by the drug mafia is most often carried out through money laundering, and more than typical crimes for the financing of terrorism are, along with drug trafficking, human trafficking, coercion, etc., although also so-called lower-level crimes: robbery, burglary, fraud, which also carried out by the drug mafia, they help terrorists (sleepers) while waiting for instructions.  A big problem is certainly the fact that, in such cases, the chances of taking effective preventive measures are small, given that the analysis of transactions in the detection and prevention of terrorist financing by the drug mafia is mostly retrospective in nature. Namely, the terrorists know very well that, for example, in the USA, every transaction over 10,000 dollars is checked, so they direct the drug mafia to smaller amounts, on several occasions although it is assumed that at least 500 billion dollars circulates in the world financial market from the drug trade. This contributes to the fact that in the modern world the border between terrorism and organized crime, which also includes the production and sale of narcotics, is increasingly being lost, and discussions on the topic of how far terrorism actually reaches, that is, where the lowest type of crime begins - have not come close to ending. The only thing that is certain is that the world's experts share the opinion that where terrorism develops, there is at the same time a prime basis for the implementation of organized, systematic and planned crime and that these two global dangers complement each other perfectly. 

Even today, the prevention and fight against terrorism, which is also financed from the sources of the drug mafia, is quite exclusive. The US version, which is based on the doctrine of preventive war, was created under the influence of the events of 2001. It undoubtedly represents the application of the policy of the stronger, so it can be said that the preventive war was misused in such a way, just like some 'humanitarian interventions' undertaken by this a country with allies in the fight against terrorism at the global level. Europe's strategy is based primarily on the prevention of terrorist attacks through increased intelligence services and the daily exchange of intelligence data at the planetary level.
At the same time, a 'financial war' is being waged by preventing terrorists from obtaining funds through money laundering, i.e. by cutting the channels through which individuals, organizations, and even some states finance terrorists. The problem is that the tentacles of the drug mafia have reached the state structures in the EU countries, the banking system is also affected by corruption - money laundering is often carried out unhindered, so it can be said that this concept is wrong as well as the conduct of so-called preventive wars. The fight against terrorism and the drug mafia/terrorist financiers must be adapted to the minimum common interests of the power centers, but also to the most rational predictions of how terrorism will develop further. Today there are only great efforts and the will to achieve something like that, but they still do not give good results.  The aim of this work is to determine the elements of narco-terrorism, to register their current state and destructive impact. This would provide guidelines for further consideration and preventive action on these complex and multidimensional security problems.



Drug abuse around the planet, as well as smuggling, illegal production and trafficking of drugs, has undoubtedly become the biggest global problem that requires a global solution. The cost of fighting this evil is very high, but it is less than the consequences it produces. Illegal production and abuse of psychoactive drugs in themselves represent terrorism and a crime against humanity, while the generated drug capital finances terrorism throughout the world. The fight against the perpetrators of terrorist and narco-terrorist activities should therefore be a constant, priority task of every state, and thus of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, in this paper, a descriptive analysis of data, available material that is part of the reference literature, open data sources and available documents of relevant institutions is performed.
(Un)success is directly dependent on the professionalization and equipment of competent services, special police, customs and state security; economic and political-legal stability of each state; international reputation and developed cooperation, as well as the willingness of citizens to participate in the identification of circumstances and persons who can or already organize and carry out narco-terrorist activities. Narco-terrorism is certainly the greatest danger of the 21st century. It was created at the end of the last and developed at the beginning of this century by the unification of organized crime and terrorists. For example, experts believe that as much as 80 percent of the money used by terrorists to finance the September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington was provided by drug smuggling. Al Qaeda has a large network of its people all over the world, and according to American estimates, in the Balkans there are about 3,000 associates of terrorists who are currently 'sleeping'.   The spread of drug addiction inevitably led to narco-terrorism. This form of crime began to form twenty years ago in the countries of South America by connecting liberation movements and cartels that smuggled drugs. Armed guerillas guided by political ideas guarded for criminals plantations where plants are grown, from which narcotics are obtained for the increasing number of drug addicts on a planetary level. The term itself began to be used after Peruvian President Fernando Belaúnde Terry used it in 1983 to denote a terrorist type of attack by drug cartels on his country's anti-narcotics police forces.  As it was established, terrorists wanted weapons, and drug cartels wanted power, so over time their activities began to intertwine by acting on the same ground. Drugs are the only commodity in the world that achieves such a large price difference from the location where it is illegally produced to the location where it is illegally sold. 

A similar method was used by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan after the Taliban came to power. Terrorists organize the cultivation of opium, and organized crime buys drugs for an increasing number of addicts, or trades them for weapons. Drug addicts themselves are involved in these illegal businesses just to secure their daily doses of narcotics. And the more drug addicts there are, the more illegal businesses there are. World experts estimate that the Albanian mafia controls about 75 percent of the heroin that enters the Western European market, that is, more than half of the total amount of heroin that enters the USA.
However, hardly anyone today questions how it is possible that the world powers, and above all the USA, do not pay attention to this phenomenon that threatens them. Especially since the number of drug addicts is increasing every day to frightening proportions. Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark have "thick" dossiers of Albanian mobsters and a clear idea of the routes of drugs and weapons that they trade, and it seems that they are not taking any action on this matter; at least they don't do anything when it comes to Kosovo, said Michael Kosidovski, professor of economics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. It should be pointed out that the drug clans of the Albanian mafia increasingly support the concept of 'Greater Kosovo' (no more 'Greater Albania'), because new conditions are being created for the mafia to gain full power - both economic and political. The spread of the crisis in the Preševo Valley is therefore of particular importance to the drug mafia today. Namely, it is about controlling the strategic drug destination that connects Kosmet, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and the direction towards Greece and Central Europe is also maintained.    

It can be said that the Albanian mafia is experiencing golden moments, but the question is how far its appetites will expand. If it gets completely out of control, which is not difficult to imagine, Albanian narco-terrorism could soon grow into more than the Colombian syndrome in the Balkans. This means that the Albanian mafia would become so powerful that it would control one or two countries in the region. This new understanding of the problem of US national security places the Balkans among the key crisis points of the planet. Namely, almost all heroin for Europe goes through the Balkans, that is, an increasing percentage of heroin for the USA. In addition, an increasing percentage of cocaine goes through the Balkans (in cooperation with the Ukrainian and Balkan elites), both for Europe and the USA.   Part of the money from the sale of heroin in Europe is laundered through the banking system in the Balkans. At the same time, the flow of money in the illegal economy is literally stronger than the flow of money in the legal economy in the Balkans, which will be discussed later. Therefore, the conclusion can be supported that the small states between Slovenia and Greece are quite economically dependent on drug smuggling, that is, that they are in considerable power of organizations that deal with it.    

From what has been said and analyzed so far, it can be concluded that there are two basic products of illegal drug production and smuggling. These are: 
1. hundreds of millions of drug addicts in all countries and on all continents and 2.huge capital owned by criminals and mafias.
It is more than evident that there is a clearly defined cause-and-effect relationship between drug addiction and narco-terrorism. One could not survive and exist without the other. If there were no addicts, there would be no black capital, i.e. drug mafia, and therefore - no narco-terrorism. These increasingly larger, more numerous and wider asocial groups, distributed equally on all continents, are tightly connected, that is, more and more monolithic, both locally and internationally. It is quite clear that the group of addicts (payers) cannot easily give up drugs, and the other group will not give up the profit thus obtained and the huge capital that ensures the realization of its interests and goals. If those goals are reached by carrying out terrorist acts, financed from the capital thus acquired, then this cause-and-effect relationship is clearly recognized. Organized international crime related to narcotic drugs has become and persists, despite the increasingly developed, widespread and harsher fight against illegal business, a global problem that destroys relatively healthy economies, social order, that is, deepens the already existing world crisis. The drug mafia and drug cartels derive their strength and power from the enormous drug capital they acquire through illegal production and trafficking of psychoactive substances and narcotic drugs on the black market, which they have formed as a kind of money factory. The three most powerful segments of capital today are: drugs, weapons and oil. Although some experts do not agree with the order presented in this way, the facts can easily prove that they are wrong. Namely, the annual turnover of drug trade today amounts to about 650 billion dollars, weapons 600, and naphtha is in third place with approximately 580 billion dollars!  

The drug mafia and terrorist organizations carry out their own will despite the resistance, which is insufficient to affect their protected connection and communication with the political elite.  Because the existence of organized crime, drug mafia and terrorist organizations in a society is often not recognized due to the political interest of the ruling establishment or individuals in it, the danger of the spread of illegal and criminal activity is minimized. There is also a widespread misconception that all of this can be solved by classical methods. That is why it is possible that until yesterday the most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden, was also the head of the distribution of 6,000 tons of opium, which, according to data, was produced in 2001 in Afghanistan. Or, for politicians to allow drug lords in Colombia to have their own mercenary army and air force and to promote narco-terrorism in numerous other countries, regardless of the position in the world, that is, the distance from Colombia. In Afghanistan, the war on drugs tended to be embedded in the existing armed conflict, while in Colombia the process went in the opposite direction.
Namely, the Colombian authorities reoriented the internal armed conflict into a war against terrorism. Thus, the issue of drug abuse became a military issue, and the funds intended for the fight against drugs were directed to the fight against rebels who were declared international terrorists. 

Many countries today are not capable of independently solving the problems that threaten the survival of the entire civilization because even those that could be said to be more organized do not help in unmasking bribed politicians in order to achieve some of their goals. Organized crime and terrorism have their hands free as long as politicians block the functioning of institutions, while politicians allow and support economic and social differences within states, that is, while they consciously work to undermine national security and the stability of the political system. The infiltration of organized crime and terrorists into the foundations of the political system is a done deal in that case, and the closest example to us is Kosovo and Metohija, where official drug smugglers and terrorists exercise power, although with 14,000 soldiers, NATO should supposedly be one of the safest places on the planet.  Evidence almost surfaced that the forces of law and order in Pakistan were connected to Al Qaeda, and the so-called The Kosovo Liberation Army in the context of terrorism and drug production and smuggling does not need to be mentioned.  However, if there is evidence that the Albanian mafia, covered by the security forces, controls as much as 75 percent of the heroin that enters the Western European market and probably more than half of the total amount of heroin that enters the USA, some experts rightly question how it is possible for the major world powers, and before especially the USA, do not pay attention to this phenomenon that directly threatens them. Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark have "thick files" of Albanian mafia and a clear idea of the routes of drugs and weapons that they trade, and it seems that they do nothing about it, at least they do nothing when Kosovo and its drug and terrorist structures are in the very top of the government and the security structures in question. Today, Kosovo and Metohija are divided into 1012 drug clans. Each clan has from 300 to 1,000 members, and parts of the clans are also members of the KLA


It has been established that under the direct management of the leaders of the drug mafia and cartels, a multi-layered network of drug smugglers is developing at the international level. The illegal narcotics industry operates by dividing it into import, wholesale and retail, and is organized and directed by numerous criminal organizations. Therefore, it can be concluded that, despite all prohibitions and controls at the national and international level, four powerful drug mafia centers are being formed in the world:.
A/ Zone "golden triangle" consists of: Thailand, Burma and Laos, which produce more than 50% of opium and its derivatives for illegal - "black" market
B/ Zone "golden crescent" consists of: Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan (manufacture of heroin)
C/ Zone "Empire of Evil" consists of Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and Venezuela - the largest plantations of coca plants and Indian hemp, which are turned into cocaine, marijuana and hashish by manufacturing. More than 80% is under the control of Colombians
D/ The pharmaceutical and chemical industry of Europe and North America which produces huge quantities of narcotics of various psychopharmaceuticals of synthetic origin.

The most famous drug mafias in the world today are: Colombian drug mafia, Coza Nostra, Albanian, Russian drug mafia, yakuza, triads, Turkish and Algerian drug mafia. The Colombian drug mafia is the most famous globally. Compared to other transnational criminal organizations, the Colombian ones are organized into special syndicates - cartels. It is interesting that Albanian and Montenegrin drug mafias from our region have become closely associated with these cartels and that they represent a significant link in organized international drug smuggling. 

The Albanian drug mafia has become the leading drug mafia in Europe, and on a global level they are in the so-called "dead" races with the Russian drug mafia. The Albanian drug mafia took over all the dirty criminal business from the Italian, Turkish, Algerian, Corsican and other organized criminal groups and mafias.  In addition to drug smuggling, they also took over other criminal activities related to today's unavoidable racketeering, bribery, corruption, but also brothels, white slave trade, or casinos throughout Europe, even in the USA. Experts on narco-terrorism agree that the Albanian drug mafia is powerful because of its specific language and unbreakable kinship ties around the world (in countries of production, countries of transition and countries of drug consumption). Their starting base is Turkey, Istanbul, where about 700,000 Albanians and Muslims - emigrants from the former Yugoslavia - live. who have found their place in large drug mafia systems.  In business, they included a large number of Albanians living in European countries. Thus, the Albanian drug mafia managed to create uninterrupted channels of drug smuggling, from the producer country, through the transit countries, to the consumer countries and very quickly. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Albanian drug mafia controls illegal drug traffic: in the USA 40-50% of the traffic; in Western European countries 50-60% of turnover in Eastern European countries, which withdrew from the Eastern Alliance 70-80% of turnover in the former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania 90-100% of turnover.  

Albanians from Macedonia immediately joined the Albanian drug mafia. They created laboratories in Kumanovo, Tetovo and Skopje for the processing of raw opium from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Iran and Macedonia. The further route was to Europe and the USA, and the safest transit stations and warehouses were Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo and Metohija. Later, Montenegro joins the chain, where more and more drugs are smuggled from Albania via Skadar and Lake Skadar to the Republic of Srpska, to the coast and to Serbia. In recent years, three major processes in the organized production and trade of narcotics have been completed in Serbia. First, the Serbian drug mafia was created, against which the police successfully fought. An illegal drug market was established, and the organized production of natural and synthetic drugs began in the country. Serbia is, namely, for decades it was treated only as a transit country, through which the famous "Balkan route" passes for heroin smuggling from east to west.  In the last two decades, however, a drug mafia has developed in Serbia, four of which have been successfully neutralized. The Belgrade drug mafia was created in cooperation with an Albanian clan that operated in Istanbul.

At the end of the sixties of the last century, the Yugoslav State Security Service used connections of the Albanian emigration in Turkey to smuggle drugs, which were illegally sold in Germany. Namely, it was considered that drug addiction is not a disease of communism but exclusively of capitalism. Albanians from Kosmet are drawn into this work of making the so-called "black money" for the SDB of Yugoslavia, in order to minimize the risk of the arrest of secret policemen. This actually means that the Yugoslav secret service has built the first link in the Turkish drug smuggling channel on the Balkan drug route.
Today, after the successful police operations "Morava" and "Balkanski Ratnik", in which about 2,000 people suspected of illegal narcotics trafficking were detained and about two tons of heroin were seized, the drug mafia and drugs in Serbia have become part of the global story of the fight against the biggest vice of the planet. The UN Narcotics Office and the US Drug Enforcement Agency have included Serbia and Šarić's cocaine clan on the list of the most dangerous drug addiction zones and the world's most dangerous drug dealers.  The security services of Italy, Serbia, Montenegro and Slovenia, as part of a coordinated international police operation called 'Balls', arrested 80 people suspected of complicity in the criminal group of drug lord Darko Šarić.  Investigations are carried out permanently in Uruguay and Argentina. Darko Šarić and Goran Soković are also wanted, who are accused in Serbia of smuggling more than two tons of cocaine from South America, as well as of laundering money earned from drug sales. During 2010, more than two tons of cocaine were seized near the coast of Uruguay as part of the 'Balkan warrior' action and several people were arrested in Serbia, and then an arrest warrant was issued for Darko Šarić.

In addition to Serbia, Italy also issued a warrant for Šarić because of the suspicion that he was behind the smuggling Serbian-Montenegrin groups that did business with Milanese clans and certain criminal groups from the north of Italy. He sold drugs in shipments of no less than 200 kilograms. Darko Šarić's clan is organized on a paramilitary basis, with cells in Serbia, Slovenia, Italy, throughout South America and Eastern Europe. Warnings that Serbia is becoming a major drug market came from the USA, officially from Washington, back in 2005. The US State Department, the Narcotics Control Department, found in a report that 'Serbia is a central transit point for drug smuggling into the region.  In 2007, the UN Office for Narcotics issued a warning that the drug scene was flourishing in Serbia. Namely, high demand combined with the location of Serbia caused an inevitable increase in the activities of the drug mafia. The use of heroin, compared to 2005, has increased by 140 percent, said Sarah Waller, representative of the UN Office on Narcotic Drugs.


In an effort to determine the essence of the connection between terrorists and drug mafia at the global level, research so far confirms that it represents one of the most significant - if not the most significant unconventional threat to the security of humanity. However, the different motives and goals of the entities implementing anti-terrorist and anti-mafia policies at the global level result in (un)expectedly poor results.

On the pyramid of negative social phenomena, drug addiction occupies a high place today, and one need not go further than Kosovo to determine that the symbiosis of organized crime, which includes the drug mafia, terrorists and politicians, is not only a challenge and a threat to national and regional security, but also to global security. Unfortunately, there are plenty of such examples at the global level, and therefore the attempts to defend global security as a result of the combination of terrorists and drug mafia are at a rather low level, which implies a lack of the much-needed universal defense at the start. The study of the situation as a presumption of action is subordinated to geostrategic and geopolitical interests in the new world redistribution of power, so terrorist and criminal activities are tolerated by the allies in a subservient sense. Therefore, there is no serious international control of the production and trafficking of narcotics, adequate international and national campaigns aimed at preventing the activities of terrorist organizations, and connections between terrorists and criminals with public office holders are becoming more frequent. Given that certainly no country on a global level, whether poor or rich, is immune to their existence (the gross income of organized crime represents 20 percent of the value of global trade), one can only conclude that it is a permanent criminal enterprise that will be dealt with the planet, over time, is getting harder to fight. The path in the global fight against terrorism must be a constant offensive and eradication of terrorists at their source, but also persistent, collective pressure on them and their helpers who keep them in an operational state, and whose role, especially the drug mafia, is often neglected. 

At the same time, we must not forget the warnings that the world financial system is slowly but surely reaching the breaking point, whereby efforts to determine the premises of universal defense against terrorism would certainly be sunk. Selective study of the situation as a presumption of action represents a huge obstacle in determining the universal defense of global security from the consequences of the combination of terrorists and drug mafia. The determination of security challenges, risks and threats is mainly in the hands of the USA and NATO, while the European Union is preparing to be an associate member, but not a full partner. Pressures on the political and economic level contributed to other countries accepting the US national strategy in the fight against terrorism as their own, and the Republic of Serbia was among them. The goals of the United Nations anti-narcotics declaration have clearly failed. Therefore, numerous experts have labeled the narcotics trade, which in Afghanistan today is supported by the US and NATO and represents as much as 90 percent of the world's production, as the greatest danger to international peace and security. Namely, the main intelligence services of the West earn billions of dollars by selling heroin, the production of which was almost stopped by the Taliban in 2001.   This was the reason, among others, that in May 2011, the head of the Russian Federal Service for the Control of Narcotics Traffic, Viktor Ivanov, made a strong speech in the parliament and assessed the "flood of Afghan opium as a realistic goal of the American occupation" as "the second edition of the opium wars", bearing in mind the war between Great Britain and China that was fought in the 19th century over the export of opium from India to China, which was under British control, comes to mind. In recent years, the role of the English was taken over by the CIA and became, according to independent analysts, the biggest drug trafficker on a global level. The obtained money is used to finance US special services in more than 75 countries, while, on the other hand, the people of Afghanistan are sinking into ever-increasing misery. This creates an ideal scene for strengthening terrorism. When it is known that as much as 70 percent of the finances available to criminal and terrorist organizations are obtained from the dirty drug business, and the United Nations and the IMF have confirmed that in 2011 the capital illegally obtained from drug trafficking on a global level will amount to at least 600 billion dollars, then it is and clearly who is funding riots and riots around the world. Because, for example, a person who is addicted to heroin in Germany spends about 150 euros a day, in Russia up to 2,000 rubles, and in the USA about 50 dollars, which means that the income from the sale of narcotics goes up to an unimaginable 2,000 percent!  At the same time, the hashish harvest reached 3,000 tons. Because, today, twice as much narcotics are produced in Afghanistan than the entire world production was 10 years ago! Recently, however, some countries of the European Union admit that they have a problem, demanding international and national control of the production and circulation of narcotics. In EU countries, in addition to Russia and Iran, narcotics are mostly consumed through the general distributor of Kosovo - a Serbian province whose independence has been admitted by a large number of countries of the old continent. And this is certainly one of the indicators that the UN is unable to fully implement programs from this more than dangerous security sphere, forced to literally hand over its competences to NATO, which, again, puts the burden of narcotics production and trafficking on national, and even provincial - local shoulders of individual states.   
It must also be known that the UN Security Council did not take into consideration the production of narcotics in the largest global opiate breeding ground - in Afghanistan.

The goals of the United Nations anti-narcotics declaration have clearly failed. Therefore, numerous experts have labeled the narcotics trade, which in Afghanistan today is supported by the US and NATO and represents as much as 90 percent of the world's production, as the greatest danger to international peace and security. Namely, the main intelligence services of the West earn billions of dollars by selling heroin, the production of which was almost stopped by the Taliban in 2001. This was the reason, among others, that in May 2011, the head of the Russian Federal Service for the Control of Narcotics Traffic, Viktor Ivanov, made a strong speech in the parliament and assessed the "flood of Afghan opium as a realistic goal of the American occupation" as "the second edition of the opium wars", bearing in mind the war between Great Britain and China that was fought in the 19th century over the export of opium from India to China, which was under British control, comes to mind.
In recent years, the role of the English was taken over by the CIA and became, according to independent analysts, the biggest drug trafficker on a global level. The obtained money is used to finance US special services in more than 75 countries, while, on the other hand, the people of Afghanistan are sinking into ever-increasing misery. This creates an ideal scene for strengthening terrorism. At the same time, Antonio Maria Costa, the first man of the United Nations Narcotics Administration, dared to state that he had seen evidence that the proceeds of organized crime were in fact the only liquid investment capital of some banks that were previously on the verge of collapse. . He stated that as much as 352 billion dollars of drug capital was absorbed by the economic system in 2010! Kosta, who is also the Deputy Secretary General of the UN, took part in the forum "Afghan Drug Production: A Challenge to the World Community" in June 2010, which was organized in Moscow by UN delegates, representatives of 40 UN member states, the Organization of Collective Bargaining Agreements of security (OSKB, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and NATO), where it was pointed out that Russia has made a plan to combat the production and trafficking of narcotics until 2020, proposing the urgent organization of an international anti-narcotics coalition. . The participants of the meeting agreed that it is necessary for the UN to raise this problem to the highest level of danger to international peace and security. Seven steps to eliminate the danger of heroin are at the heart of the initiative, and Russia's plan to end production in Afghanistan is called 'Raduga-2'.

When it is known that as much as 70 percent of the finances available to criminal and terrorist organizations are obtained from the dirty drug business, and the United Nations and the IMF have confirmed that in 2011 the capital illegally obtained from drug trafficking on a global level will amount to at least 600 billion dollars, then it is and clearly who is funding riots and riots around the world. Because, for example, a person who is addicted to heroin in Germany spends about 150 euros a day, in Russia up to 2,000 rubles, and in the USA about 50 dollars, which means that the income from the sale of narcotics goes up to an unimaginable 2,000 percent! At the same time, the hashish harvest reached 3,000 tons. Although aware of the situation, the United Nations is quite powerless to tackle this big problem properly. Certain Western governments, which hold this highest international organization from the East River firmly in their hands, show that they are still not sufficiently aware of the dimensions of the drug danger, not only for people's health (every year about 100,000 people die from opiates in Afghanistan alone, and more than 15,000,000 people consume them!), but, in the context of this topic - financing of terrorist organizations from the source of huge drug capital. Because, today, twice as much narcotics are produced in Afghanistan than the entire world production was 10 years ago! Recently, however, some countries of the European Union admit that they have a problem, demanding international and national control of the production and circulation of narcotics. It must also be known that the UN Security Council did not consider the production of narcotics in the largest global opium breeding ground - in Afghanistan, while, for example, in the documents of the London Conference on Afghanistan, narcotics are mentioned extremely vaguely in point 27 of 34.

At the same time, Colombia is rightly on the pole of shame, but in this Latin American country, the liquidation of drug plantations is 40 times more effective than in Afghanistan! After all, some measures are being implemented in Colombia that were proposed by Russia as strategic tasks for the international community, and when it comes to the production and trafficking of narcotics from Afghanistan: the liquidation of the opium poppy culture through the eradication of cultivated areas; inclusion in the OUN sanctions list of Afghan landowners who cede land for poppy cultivation (creating land cadastral records in the southern provinces of Afghanistan); inclusion in the ISAF mandate of competence and obligation to destroy opium poppy plantations in Afghanistan; development of operational cooperation of state special services, exchange of intelligence data, including about the locations of drug laboratories, and the delivery of raw materials for the production of drugs, etc.; joint actions on the training of Afghan drug police officers.

The first measure should be to destroy at least 25 percent of the opium poppy sowing area. Together with the destruction, it would be necessary to immediately start the big work of the final development of energy, and not only in the exploitation of resources, i.e. carry out the much-needed electrification of the country, which, according to the latest calculations of experts, would open at least two million new jobs.   Of course, it should be underlined once again that bilateral cooperation cannot adequately solve the problem. A unique approach must be developed in the fight against drug trafficking, which is, among other things, a significant source of financing terrorism. In this context, special attention must be paid to Kosovo and Metohija.
According to UN data, the amount of heroin passing through the so-called Balkan route is increasing and amounts to about 150 tons per year. Within the framework of international control of the production and trafficking of narcotics, the Republic of Serbia should take the place of leader in the cooperation between Russia and the Balkan countries in the fight against drug trafficking, because the cocaine route from Latin America and the heroin route from Afghanistan meet in the epicenter, in Kosovo and Metohija.  In Kosovo, by the way, a kilogram of heroin costs 10,000 euros, while the same quantity can fetch 150,000 euros on the market of European Union countries.


The determination of the member states of the United Nations, throughout the history of the existence of this international organization, promised that, in a relatively short period of time, the growing problem of terrorism, including narco-terrorism, would be effectively stopped, which today, as a result, has a huge number of drug addicts on the global stage.
Experts have studiously studied and continue to study, especially in recent years, the dangers of the intertwined activities of terrorist organizations and the drug mafia, and agreement and support for preventive measures and legal regulation of this area was achieved at the global level. National strategies were determined, but it did not take long for the impotence to be recognized.

Today, unfortunately, we are becoming more and more convinced of it. Prevention has failed, in many countries it has even been abandoned, while, on the other hand, the accepted normative and repressive measures gave a bad result: from the global cake of illegally produced narcotics, according to statistics (albeit sketchy), barely 10-15 percent were seized. and an extremely small number of perpetrators of criminal acts were brought to justice. Therefore, a new verification and systematization of previous understandings of this great global problem is necessary, an extremely critical review both in terms of content and in terms of methods of fighting against the great evil that has afflicted humanity in the 21st century. One of the basic characteristics of modern terrorism, this research also showed, is certainly the fact that the actors are not only individual, that is, that the theorists who approve of connections with the drug mafia are not only organizations and illegal groups, but increasingly states.

State laws and criminal law include only certain elements, and the members of the international community individually relate to the global problem from tolerance to condemnation. For example, the UN Security Council did not approve the attack on Iraq, but it also did not officially condemn it. On the world political scene, everything was over, so-called diplomatic disapproval. The voice against was nevertheless heard by the world's media and public opinion, aware that terrorism could knock on everyone's door tomorrow, paid, of course, from the sources of the dirty capital of the drug mafia. All this has contributed to the fact that armed conflicts at the global level in the 21st century have a completely new face. Searching for safety on an increasingly insecure planet has become a daily chore. The new security policy of the USA certainly marks the current fight against terrorists who are connected to the drug mafia, while Russia adapts to the new geostrategic circumstances with more or less success. Trends of increasing military expenditures are present everywhere, and there is an insistence on the fastest possible changes in military capabilities and the progress of military technology.
However, despite the efforts, international crises are multiplying, just like (in)purposeful military interventions that do not result in deterring terrorism or reducing the number of drug cartels, but on the contrary - new attempts to establish the balance of power by terrorist and other criminal organizations. Because all research indicates that the increase in the number of terrorist organizations and their impact on global security is a consequence of the existing antagonisms and the absence of real democratic control mechanisms in the still insufficiently built global institutions. Therefore, in the coming period, the basis of global security should be built by strong states, with strong preventive activities, and their armed forces must act as an excellent subsystem in such circumstances. Therefore, joint work with international organizations on this plan is expected from every state because it would be, among other things, a fairly effective way to deny terrorists and drug mafia access to increasingly developed resources for developing weapons of mass destruction, especially, as can be seen from the research: professional knowledge, appropriate materials and finances.


1. Barnhart, S;. International Terrorism and Political Violence: The Entity of Trans-national Criminal Organisations and New Terrorisms in the Balkans-Middle East and Eastern Europe, and Its Effect on the Entire World! Trafford Publishing, 2002.
2. Gallahue, P; Narco-Terror: Conflating the Wars on Drugs and
Terror, 2011. Available at:   
3. Gingeras, R;  Brothers and Clients- Heroin, Turkey and the Making of the Albanian Mafia, Naval Postgraduate School 
4. Gus, M; Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues, SAGE Publications, 2012.
5. Hartelius, J; Narcoterrorism, EastWest Institute i Swedish Carnegie Institute, Policy Paper 3/2008. 
6. Klarić, D; Droga – (ne)rješiv problem,  Dvotočka, studio za grafičko oblikovanje, Zagreb, 2007.
7. Marshall, A; „Afghan Heroin & the CIA“, Geopolitical Monitor, April 1, 2008.
8. Nicović, M; Opojne droge, Alfa, Beograd, 1990.
9. Reljanović, M; Savremeni terorizam i međunarodno pravo, NBP, Nauka, Bezbednost, Policija, 2008, vol.13, br.2, str. 83-106.
10. Simeunović, D; Terorizam, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2009.
11. Simonović, B; Kriminalistika, Pravni fakultet, Kragujevac, 2004.
12. Money laundering Background, 21/09/2011, Available at: (17.06.2022.)
13. (20.06.2022.)
14. (20.06.2022.)
17. (14.6.2022.) 
18. (17.06.2022.)
19. (20.6.2022.)
20. (1.7.2022.)
21. (1.7.2022.)
22. (1.7.2022.)
23. (4.7.2022.)



1  Simeunović, D. Terorizam, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2009.

2 Money laundering Background, 21/09/2011, Available at: (17.06.2022.)

3  Reljanović, M., Savremeni terorizam i međunarodno pravo, NBP, Nauka, Bezbednost, Policija, 2008, vol.13, br.2, str. 83-106.

4 Nicović, M. Opojne droge, Alfa, Beograd, 1990.

5  Hartelius, J. Narcoterrorism, EastWest Institute i Swedish Carnegie Institute, Policy Paper 3/2008. 

6  Klarić, D. Droga – (ne)rješiv problem,  Dvotočka, studio za grafičko oblikovanje, Zagreb, 2007.

7  Tomislav Kresović: Kosmet is divided into 10-12 drug clans. Each clan has from 300 to 1,000 members, and parts of the clans are also members of the KLA. Immediately after the arrival of Kfor, the mafia robbed almost 15 billion marks in Kosmet, and annually makes a profit of over 500 million marks. The mafia and KLA factions control about 5,000 prostitutes, trade in oil, gasoline, cigarettes and food.

Available at:: (20.06.2022.)

8  Margetić Domagoj: Cocaine is smuggled through the Balkans into the European Union, where it is "packaged" into containers of industrial goods intended for export to the USA and Canada. Available at: (20.06.2022.)

9  Available at: .

10  Available at: .

11  Simonović, B.  Kriminalistika, Pravni fakultet, Kragujevac, 2004.

12  Gallahue, P. Narco-Terror: Conflating the Wars on Drugs and Terror, 2011. 

Available at:  

13  Tomislav Kresović: The KLA appeared in public in 1997. It had 200-300 members and about 20 percent of its supporters among Albanians. The father of the KLA is Adem Demaći, while Ibrahim Rugova was initially reserved towards this organization. Albanian mafia introduced tax payment, "racket" of three percent which is used for national goals and the KLA. In the fall of 1997, the KLA received the support of Fadilja Hodža. By the end of 1998, the KLA already had about 20,000 terrorists on the ground and held 30-40 percent of the territory of Kosovo and Metohija Available at:: (17.06.2022.)

14 Even before the war in 1999, the Paris narcotics monitoring group announced that the Albanian drug mafia from Macedonia and Kosovo was selling heroin in order to obtain weapons for the needs of their compatriots in Kosovo and Metohija. The bases of these drug traffickers are in Skopje, Shkoder and Pristina, and the drugs are distributed to Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Greece, the report states, adding that one of the heroin processing factories is near Kumanovo in Macedonia. (primary MB). after the arrival of Kfor, the mafia robbed almost 15 billion marks in Kosmet, and makes a profit of over 500 million marks annually. The mafia and factions of the KLA, which are in the KiM security system, control about 5,000 more prostitutes, trade in oil, gasoline, cigarettes and food. According to intelligence analyst John Whitley, the answer to the question of why there is no answer to the criminal and criminal behavior of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, but also in Albania and Macedonia, lies in the fact that there is certainly a secret connection between the KLA, the CIA and the BND. The task of forming and financing the KLA was given to the Germans. That is why the KLA used German uniforms, weapons from East Germany and financed itself, like today's Kosovo police, with drug money. According to Whitley, the CIA's task was to train members of the KLA in Albania. Available at: According to Whitley, the CIA's task was to train members of the KLA in Albania. Available at: According to Whitley, the CIA's task was to train members of the KLA in Albania. Available at: (17.06.2022.)

15  Stephen R. Barnhart. International Terrorism and Political Violence: The Entity of Trans-national Criminal Organisations and New Terrorisms in the Balkans-Middle East and Eastern Europe, and Its Effect on the Entire World! Trafford Publishing, 2002, p. 129.

16  Ryan Gingeras. Brothers and Clients- Heroin, Turkey and the Making of the Albanian Mafia. Naval Postgraduate School „As largely poor and marginalized newcomers, many Albanian migrants fell into a life of crimeupon arriving to Turkey. Press accounts from the mid-1950s, for example, detail the emergence of several notorious Albanian kabadayı (or neighborhood toughs or gangsters) in the city of Istanbul. Still other Albanians living in Istanbul and elsewhere assisted in the construction of local heroin trafficking syndicates. Albanians found within the ranks of early drug smuggling networks in Turkey tended to be petty dealers or lower ranking members of major smuggling networks based mostly in Istanbul. American intelligence reports suggest that Albanians were often members of heroin syndicates run by Muslim Georgian bosses from Turkey’s Black Sea coast.“ 

17  Gus Martin. Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues. SAGE Publications, 2012, p. 303-304.

18  In front of the Parliamentary Security Committee, the Minister of Police of the Republic of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, and Saša Vukadinović, director of the BIA, assessed at the end of 2010 that the illegal drug trade in Serbia is the most widespread and the most dangerous form of organized crime in Serbia. The MUP and the BIA managed to neutralize Dr. Milan Zarubica's group, the Zemun clan and drug gang supporters, but they are still fighting against Sarić's cartel. Only in the operation "Morava", which was started last year and continues today (it is supposed to neutralize the network of drug dealers), 1,717 people were arrested. In Serbia, 27 organized criminal groups with 213 members and 452 associates were detected and prosecuted. Available at: (14.6.2022.)

19  In early 2011, the Italian Anti-Mafia Directorate issued an arrest warrant for 108 suspects for the procurement and distribution of narcotics for the Italian market, including nine persons against whom the Serbian prosecutor's office has already initiated proceedings. Available at: (17.06.2022.)

20  State Department, Narcotics Control Division: Organized criminal groups use Serbia as a market because part of the smuggled narcotics remains in the country for domestic consumption. The ability of organized crime groups to use porous borders and weak infrastructure to market large quantities of narcotics in Serbia threatens the country's political stability and economic development. Available at: (20.6.2022.)

21  Andrew Marshall. „Afghan Heroin & the CIA“. Geopolitical Monitor. April 1, 2008

22  United Nations: From 2007-2009, the number of arrests of drug dealers in Afghanistan decreased by 13 times, and the number of liquidated drug laboratories by 10 times (from 248 to 25). See more at: (1.7.2022.)

23  Afghan drug production: a challenge to world security Among the participants of the forum in Moscow were the president of the UN International Narcotics Control Committee Hamid Godse, the deputy director of the Administration of the President of the USA for matters of state policy in the field of control of illegal drug traffic Patrick Ward, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, Deputy Minister for Economic Development of Russia Igor Manilov, heads of anti-narcotics and justice departments of a number of countries, representatives of social organizations, religious denominations, scientists, state and political leaders (June 9/10, 2010). Available at: (1.7.2022.) 

24  Available at: (1.7.2022.)

25  Director of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for the Control of Drug Trafficking, Vladimir Ivanov: Every fourth person arrested in connection with drug trafficking is of Albanian nationality. Available at: (4.7.2022.)


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